has anyone experienced their PC slow to boot up and slow running since the latest upgrade
many thanks
has anyone experienced their PC slow to boot up and slow running since the latest upgrade
many thanks
Check the sensitivity of Standard Shield, you may have changed it to High from the default of Normal, that would have an effect on boot.
Welcome to the forums, rother!
Nope … I notice no slowing down.
many thanks you were right, not sure whether i changed it though.
Just got to workout why the spoken sounds Avast makes have become distorted.
Hi DavidR,
I was just wondering what Standard Shield is, what does it do? Cause I’ve got it on High but on boot up it seems normal
Sorry for bumping in.
The avast! help file (Resident protection section) gives a description of Standard Shield and its settings.
Check the total on scanned count: after your boot with SS on High, change the settings to Normal, reboot and check again and you will see a difference in the total scanned count.
I have Windows vista home premium 32. My avast program works great, however in the last few weeks the sound effects are just awful.
When the program updates it sound like donald duck or some kind of robot.
My sound card is brand new and up-to-date and I do not experience any other sound problems except for Avast.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Thank you.
Are you using the default sounds?
Yes, It is set on Windows default (modified). If I put it on Windows default there is no sound at all.
It worked fine a few weeks ago.
The Windows defaults don’t include avast. You must set avast sounds accordingly.
Are you sure? If you right click the ‘a’ blue icon, choose Program Settings, go to Sounds, click Settings button and configure, won’t it work?
No, it does not work. I just tried setting the sounds again and they sound the same. There is a sound effect next to each line for instance “virus found” it makes a siren sound, but it is distorted.
And the update voice sounds like a donald duck robot.
What else can I do?
Delete the original file sounds.
Repair your avast through Control Panel > Add/Remove programs.
If, after that, the sounds are corrupt, the problem is in your computer and not the ‘original’ avast files that would be downloaded.
I did as you suggested. I deleted the sounds and repaired, but no good.
I noticed there is someone else having this problem named Rother above my post.
When I e-mailed the Avast company a couple of weeks ago, they told me to delete the sound effects. That is not a solution to me.
Everything else on my computer that needs sound works perfectly, so it is a mystery. I make animated stationery with music and sound effects and they are perfect.
Thanks anyway,
I discovered the sound effects in the program are bad, not anything in my computer.
I downloaded the sound effects to a file on my desktop and when I played them, they were perfect. So it’s not my computer.
When I put them back into the avast program, they were once again distorted.
Mysteries… we hate mysteries… but life is full of mysteries…
You were trying to help me fix my bad avast sound effects! After some trial and error I found the culprit.
My dell sound driver was blocking any microsoft updates, so I downloaded a microsoft sound driver for vista… Now the sound effects are working great! Odd since every other sound was fine.
Anyway if anyone else has this problem you can refer them to me.
Thanks for posting back