Slow SBS Server

We have a Small Business Edition 2003 server. Elements of our database are extremely slow. We have excluded the database from the scans with no results. When we completely remove avast from the server everything is fine. Any ideas on how we fix this issue??

How did you do the exclusion, exactly?
What is the sensitivity of the on-access scanner? (High vs. Normal)


Thanks for the quick reply. We have it set on “standard” scan. The omissions from scanning are d:\acs*, C:\acs*, D:\acs\acsnet*, c:\acs*. Thanks for your help.

You mean the Standard Shield (the Advanced page of its settings), or the Exclusions page in the global program settings?

BTW it might be a good idea to temporarily enable displying of what items are currently scanned to find out what’s going on. Standard Shield’s properties → Advanced page → Show detailed info on program action.


I attempted this and discovered that no files were being scanned. I guess it is because we have excluded the files from scanning however it is still extremely slow with this application. The slow down is limited to this program alone and only the financial area of the software package. I spoke with their tech support and found out that dbase and borland are both used in the writing of the software of this is any help. At this moment we have removed Avast from our server for a couple of hours in order to get our work done. This is how critical is. Thanks