Slow Startup with avast

I just did an experiment and found out that it takes 3 minutes to start up everything and also some crashes with avast but without avast it only takes 1 minutes for everything to start up. So is there any idea to fix this problem?


What operating system are you running and service pack plus how much RAM and what is the CPU type and processing speed?

Window XP Professional
service pack 2
a damn 248 of ram

Intel Pentium M 

processor 1500MHz

What is critical are the other processes that start on boot and you don’t mention any of those. With your limited RAM you have to be brutal with what you allow to start on boot, only absolutely no non-essential applications, security apps only, AV, Firewall and windows services.

Your RAM is really an issue, 256MB with XP really would be considered a minimum and then you add other applications so there will be much swapping RAM content out to the pagefile.sys so lots of HDD thrashing. If your HDD isn’t particularly fast that too would be another bottleneck.

If you have an integrated graphics card that too will be grabbing RAM and since you report 248MB of RAM and not 256MB that could be why.

Whilst your system is a little underpowered RAM is your biggest issue. My advice get at least another 256MB to take you to 512MB of RAM, or preferably upgrade to 1GB and you will see a drastic improvement in system response and not just at boot.

It’s almost a miracle that you just wait 3 minutes to boot/logon… And your processor is not that fast. Anyway, try Startup Delayer.
This freeware controls the windows startup (Windows 98\Me\2k\XP) that does not follow a strict order.

Since avast! version 4.7.807 the Standard Shield has a feature called do not scan system libraries (by default on) that dramatically decrease the number of files scanned during computer boot.

processes that start on boot and you don't mention any of those.

Just a few processes which is MSN Messenger,SoftModem Messaging Applet(IBM).

I have unchecked all the unwanted program even some of the part of Microsoft processes but it still the same.

My advice get at least another 256MB to take you to 512MB of RAM, or preferably upgrade to 1GB and you will see a drastic improvement in system response and not just at boot.
I know it is about the ram and I will try to upgrade it some days.

I wouldn’t class MSN Messenger, nor the SoftModem Messaging Applet(IBM) as essential:

  1. You don’t need MSN Messenger to load until you want to connect to it not on boot.
  2. Unless the SoftModem Messaging Applet(IBM) is actually required as connection related rather than Messenger related, that too could be a candidate for manual start-up.
slim down your os with the “safe” choices

the SoftModem Messaging Applet(IBM) is actually required as connection

Yes, I used it for Wireless connection.

You don't need MSN Messenger to load

I will disable this afterward. slim down your os with the "safe" choices

Good one! But I’m confused so I need some time to understand it. :wink: