Small bug in the greek GUI

In Greek, words in capital are not toned. However, in avast GUI, as you can see, there is a word in capital which is toned.

Can you please elaborate a bit? What does it mean “toned”?
Plus, you say “only words in capital are toned” & “word in capital is toned”… which sounds correct :slight_smile:

Excuse me, I corrected my first post. :-[
The tone is the symbol ’ which shows which syllable must be pronounced louder.
In our case, the correct is ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ and not 'ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ

What is more, I just noticed that in the protection status, it is written Ναί (i.e. Yes), while the correct is Ναι.
As a rule, monosyllabic words in lower case do not get a tone.

Actually, I remember implementing the capitalization algorithm a few years ago… and I was specifically told (by the Greek translator) that the accent should disappear in uppercase, unless it’s located in the first letter of a word (where it should stay).
The same reference is made here, for example.
Is it not the case?

I think you have misunderstood.
It is written in the link you posted that a tone is placed over a capital letter if it’s the first letter of a word (e.g. when the word is a name or it’s at the beginning of a sentence). I also add: and if the other letters of the word are not capital.

The tone in the word 'ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ (SCAN) stikes me as odd. But Έλεγχος (Scan) is correct. I just asked a greek philologist and she confirmed my claims.