Smart Scan - Other - Issues

Joke of the day !

Just done one of my frequent Smart Scans - all clear as usual, except for Other Issues, which lists items considered to be a privacy threat.

It listed my firewall as being basic and in need of replacing.
I have news for Avast - my firewall is ZoneAlarm, probably the most aggressively protective and top rated firewall available !

Well done Avast and thanks for the laugh.

I happen to like the firewall that’s been part of Windows since version 7.
I’m currently using Avast Omni but, it’s the Windows 10 basic firewall that is in use for me.

In all honesty, I feel the (NOT so) Smart Scan, is like many other on-demand scans, much depreciated in an on-access, resident antivirus program.

Whilst there are other areas that are covered by this scan, that aren’t ordinarily covered in on-demand scans. For me the smart scan is more of a sales opportunity for avast to try and sell you other avast paid products.

The reason I say it is NOT so Smart are for the reason you have just mentioned, it either doesn’t check of doesn’t consider what you have, it is no doubt going to offer you Avast Premium with its firewall option.

I have paid firewall on my XP system and like Bob I use the Windows firewall on my Win10 laptop.