SMF 1.1 Released

for more release news visit ;D

Thats really a great news ;D
Hope Alwil will update the forum software soon ::slight_smile:

I hope they update… but I don’t think it will be soon :cry:

About the antispam… Kubecj, take a look…

I don’t think anyone will get hurt in the rush to update as indicated by the links posted by Tech.

Heck it took SMC three years to get from 1.0 beta to 1.1 final

Is this our answer, then?

I know for sure (by running this and also other SMF based sites) that the upgrade of the core is not problematic, but the upgrade of all the mods and themes is major pain... So there must be _real_ reason to go thru it. For me now, the only _real_ reason is 1.1 getting gold, nothing else.