SMS and Call Filter Issues

I have a LG Optimus T. The call filter does not work as the default action is to send the call to voicemail. This does not work on ANY LG phone. I contacted LG CS and after some investigation I was told that all LG phones only support muting the ringer. I guess this is acceptable but I wish I had known this before purchasing the phone.

Is it possible to have some sort of default action menu in a future release of Avast! so I don’t have to use a separate call management program? I.E. menu-> send to VM or pickup/hangup or mute ringer?


how come it doesn’t work on any LG phone? I have LG Optimus One 2.2 right here with me and it works fine on it (at least it did the time I tried it).


I can only go by what I was told by CS. I’m not qualified to determine if what I was told was correct or incorrect as I don’t have a schematic of the phone. My own tests indicate that the Call Filter does not work with my phone. Other call blockers that allow for muting the ringer seems to be my only working option. Perhaps it depends on the carrier. I’m using Walmart Family Mobile.

I’ll try the call blocking on my LG (maybe tomorrow). Does the SMS blocking work fine on your device?


I see, GravityT from Walmart; can you please tell us the version and build of your android OS? Thank you very much.

I haven’t tried SMS yet. I’ll try it in a bit.

LG Optimus T. The Gravity T is for T-Mobile 4G pre-paid. I’m on Family Mobile, a different service. Gingerbread 2.2.2 rooted. I work for T-Mobile and am fairly technical so if you need other info just let me know.

I have LG P500 and the filter for incoming call not works (ringing normally).
If the incoming call are anonymous the program crash.

The sms are blocked and also the call outcoming, but not the incoming call.

I concur with the previous post. This behavior is also what I observe.

News about this promblem ?

Happy new year !!!

We are working on it, please be patient :slight_smile: Thanks.

Hmm, just tested it on the LG P500 and it’s not working, although I would swear it was fine a month ago. Will take a closer look at it.


Hi friends!

It still not working on LG Optimus One. I hope it will be fixed.

What OS version do you have?

zdravim, mam lg p500 optimus one, fw: 2.3.3 a blokovanie hovorov naozaj nefunguje, co s tym???

Dobrý den,

v některé z dalších verzí již bude oznámení, že blokování příchozích hovorů nefunguje na nerootovaných zařízeních LG verze 2.3 a vyšší. LG bohužel provedli nějaké změny v OS, které nám znemožňují blokovat příchozí hovory.


Ja mam moje zariadenie LG P500 rootnute… a nejde

Na rootovaných zařízeních by to mělo být možné, ale je to úplně jiný mechanismus, který v Mobile Security nemáme. Zda se tam objeví, to bohužel nemůžu říct.


Any news on this? I really wish call filtering worked!


what OS version do you have? It should work on 2.1+2.2, won’t work on 2.3+ due to LG changes in the OS :frowning:
