sms antispam bugs

May you update your sms antispam function?

  1. Create please icon and sound for sms from not authorized people.
  2. Create checkbox “remember my choice” in dialog block/unblock incoming message.
  3. I want add number from messages list in blacklist or white-list and saw this lists.
    May you make it?


  1. Not really sure what you mean. You want to see the message in your notifications, just with a different sound/icon?
  2. If you mean the “unknown number offer”, you can enable/disable it in the Settings.
  3. If you are talking about a general blacklist/whitelist functionality then we are thinking about it, but it won’t be added in the near future since it requires more work than it seems.


  1. Yes, and if I close dialog by Home button, I want open it by icon.
  2. I have some numbers and senders which I dont want or I dont can (sender in avast may be only phone number)in the white or contact list. My method let do whitelist and blacklist on the fly.
  3. I shall wait upgraded version and test beta version.
  1. Not sure what dialog you refer to. Notification isn’t a dialog.
  2. You want to remember your choice for a given number in the offer dialog?
  1. If opening icon avast may you under the line “avast mobile security” create the line “unknown sms”?
  2. Yes. I want checkbox “remember my choice” for a given number in the offer dialog.
  1. You mean a separate icon for blocked SMS in your app drawer?
  2. Hmm, we might do that.
  1. Yes, otherwise more users don`t found it quickly.
  2. Thank you. I shall be waiting update.
  1. We probably won’t do that, sorry. If you want to find the messages quickly, why block the numbers in the first place?
  1. If I incidental push home button before my choice where is this message? I want to have separate icon for SMS only for this event.