Sms/Call Filter ERROR

Why is not possible to add new group member by choosing from Contact list, SMS/MMS and Call Log? When I try to add annoying phone number this way, an error message appears. I can add new group member only by Custom number.


what is the exact error message?




we can switch to Czech if you want.

After pressing “Vynutit ukonceni”, please, start up AMS again and go to “Settings(Nastaveni)-About(O aplikaci)-Send feedback(Odeslat vas nazor)”, insert valid email address, check all the checkboxes and send it. You should receive an email with a ticked ID which I can use to identify your feedback and take a look at the error (you can post the ID here or send it to my email).


SGS Advance I9070P - možná to je nedávnou opravnou aktualizací verze jádra Androidu 2.3.6. Nevšiml jsem si, že by se to dělo předtím. Pokud to nevyřeší tvůrci avastu, snad nebude problém pod slíbeným 4.1 Jelly Bean.

I wasn’t asking for your device type, but for the ticked ID of your feedback :slight_smile:

Potreboval bych spis ticked ID Vaseho “nazoru”, ktery jste zaslal pomoci AMS. Budu se moct podivat, kde presne to pada.


Případně použít aLogCat (zdarma na Play) a odtamtud log poslat třeba na moji adresu, díky.