I want to report unusable issues in latest version of Avast Mobile Security and SMS & CALL FILTER tool.
Cannot add a new number to group, selecting from SMS/MMS or Call History do nothing after select. Only manual typed number works and do saving to list.
Log/Global Log cutting the messages and there’s no option to view all message content than select Move to SMS Incoming folder - very unuseful.
I’ve noticed that when number on sms/call history was in my contact list then it was added successfuly, but selecting unknown numbers like +48123456789 do nothing e.g. closing history dialog but don’t really add this number to group. Maybe this will help you more.
And really please don’t cut off / shorten the messages in Log like in older versions (new version has this freaky shortenning feature)
Working on new version. This will happen on all Samsung devices with 4.3 higher, 'cause they are handling message and call log strangely. Anyway thanks for the report - is quite possible, that some models will stay affected after new version will be released - in this case, please, report here. Thanks.