Hi, I installed antitheft on my two HTC One M7. They are not rootet. I gave one of them to a friend of mine.
Now there is a big problem. I can no more send sms commands to his phone.
Lets say the pin I installed was 1234. If i send now the command 1234 launch per SMS, he gets a message: 1234 launch.
Somehow he changed the pin I believe. Does anyone know à command to test if the phone responds to the commands I send. And this command must ne invisible
I don’t want that he knows, I can connect to his phone. I have certain doubts about him now.
I want to locate his (MY) phone, but I am not sure that If i send the command: 1234 locate, that he gets the message as a simple sms and he can see it as a normal sms, that comes from my phone…
Help… Urgent…