sms filter doesn`t work for short phone number

I can not block incoming text messages from numbers XXXXX with 5 characters, the program does not accept such selection criteria. Is there a chance to change this option for better?


did you try the advanced option in “Custom number”?


No, how to do it?

You check the “Advanced” checkbox in “Custom number” and you can use . and * wildcard (. = any character, * = any number of characters). Note that it has to contain at least 4 characters. Also note that this is really an advanced setting and if you decide to use wildcards, you might end up blocking some numbers you don’t want to.


Where to find “Custom number”.

When you are adding a member to a group in SMS/Call Filter, you can choose from contacts, SMS/call list, custom number and/or all unknown/hidden numbers.


Ok, I found it thanks, but how to encode number 73866

Well, that’s the hard part, you don’t exactly do that. You can do for example “73.66”, which would block “73866”, but “73166” or “73966” as well. But if you received a message/call from that number and now you want to block it, you can just pick it from your SMS/call list I think.


No, I just cannot add from SMS/call list and “73.66” is too short. If I create 73.666 it will be ok?


unfortunately there’s a limitation that the entered custom number must have at least 6 digits (including wildcards like . and ). You can add number like "73866", which will then block anything starting with 73866 (and 73866 too).

If you have a text message or incoming call from this number, you can also select it from the text messages or call log - it’s in the same dialog as the custom number option. This way you can add the exact number 73866.


Unfortunately, I just received a sms message from this number and the program did not block it

You can pick it from your SMS list now, can’t you? If you do and it still won’t get blocked, it’s probably a cell broadcast message and your device doesn’t support blocking those :frowning:


There is short number written on list. 73866. I can only delete it from list.

What you can do is go to “SMS and Call Filter” - tap on your group - tap on “Group members” - tap on “Add a new group member” - tap on “Choose from SMS/MSS” - tap on the number you want to block (73866). The number should now be added to your list. Now if you receive another message from that number while having it added in a group like I said, it’s not possible to block it.


Number can not be added to my list in this way.
Only while incoming message i get window information from avast where i can choose allow or block it. When I block the number it is written to list. If it is saved it should be blocked but is not.

How come it can’t? What’s the error?


Although I the squeeze ‘Block’ message is read to my sms inbox.

Sorry, was asking about this.