Hey guys,
Not sure if this is a device specific issue, couldn’t find anything related to the Samsung T-989D.
I do have the UI issue reported already with the group name entry field (cursor moving back to the first char after each inputs), but everything else seems to work fine.
My issue is this.
I add a new group
Select SMS under Block Incomming
Select all day of week
Time left as default (00:00 to 23:59)
I add group members numbers
Then exit the app.
Then, I tested sending an SMS from all numbers appearing in my group list to my device with the SMS filtering and I still receive the SMS …
It doesn’t how I choose members, by inputing the actual number, by using the SMS log, my contact list… SMS will just go through as normal.
No - I’m using the ICS default messaging app. I tested on another device from the same carrier and it does work fine. I noticed that on the other device, it didn’t have the UI issue I was mentioning above so I’m wondering if it can somehow be related, not sure…
I just updated to the newest version but didn’t tes it yet. And yep, I did had anti-theft installed as well but can’t remember if I got any warnings when I activated it.
I uninstalled everything earlier this week and reinstalled Avast without anti-theft, I’ll try a few things today and report here. I can also re-install anti-theft and see if I get anything special.