
maybe i have problem, because i just run scan with malwarebytes anti-malware and it detected trojan.agent.gen in C:\users\username\appdata\roaming\smsvchost.exe.
Is it real or mistake?
Thank you for help!

Is it real or mistake?
Upload file to and find out ....

Just checked it with virustotal and it reported only one warning (1/52) - AegisLab - Troj.Win64.BitMin.
Is file location even right? i nowhere found it suppose to be in …\appdata\roaming\

Did malwarebytes move it to quarantine? … if so you must restore the file to orginal location before you can upload it to VT
Post link to scan result here

No, i left i untouched until i know it is harmful for sure.
Here is link to scaned file -

First submission 2014-06-29 19:39:40 UTC ( 4 months, 1 week ago )
That seems like a False Positive

Malwarebytes dose not show detection there…is your MBAM updated?
Does it still detect?

If so reporter it in MBAM forum and upload file there

Yes, MBAM is fully updated and still targeting that file.
I already reported it in MBAM forum yesterday, but waiting on comment.

No apparent malware, are you experiencing any problems ?

Nothing seems to be wrong

So, is this file suppose to be in …\appdata\roaming\ ?

What did they say in MBAM forum?
Did you show them the VT scan result and upload the file for them to check?

Still no respond from MBAM forum :confused: