The SMTP alert sends an email in non-standard format, without a ‘Date’ header. While many email servers automatically add this field if it is missing, some do not, and it results in incorrect display in email clients (date defaults to 1-1-1970 :(). My ISP’s mailserver inserts the following error header into alert emails sent by Avast:
[b]Date-warning: Date header was inserted by[/b]
On another email server I use, this format error is not corrected, and the alert shows up in my client with the date 1-1-1970, putting it at the bottom of my email list.
Oh, OK, thanks! You seem to be an extremely thorough ‘user’ (it would be more appropriate to say ‘tester’ but then you’d want your money back! ;D).
The SMTP routine is currently undergoing some more changes (we need to support SMTP authentication as an increasing number of today’s servers is requiring it) and adding the Date: header shouldn’t be a problem…
On another email server I use, this format error is not corrected, and the alert shows up in my client with the date 1-1-1970, putting it at the bottom of my email list.
Are you serious? I mean, does your email client really sort by the Date: header field?? That’s very uncommon I’d say… normally, people sort their messages by received date (not sent)…
My email client is Mozilla Thunderbird (an excellent client, I might add!). You can sort by any field. The ‘date’ field it displays is the date sent, and I’ve always chosen that column to sort by. Since this bug however, I’ll sort by ‘order received’
Avast is a fast scanner, and the support is great, so I don’t need my money back just yet. I wouldn’t say no to a couple more Pro licences though! ;D
Vlk, very thanks for the SMTP autentication… Untill now I could not send an alert (or file with virus from Chest) because the absence of authentication.
Walker, we are talking about the alerts and infected files for analysis. I mean, if your smtp server is not the same as your ISP (connection server), you won’t be able to send an alert (by email) or send a file to analysis by email. This happens with me: I use to connect the Internet and my email address is where xxx is different from ‘ig’. Did I help you?
Yes, I’m just talking about sending files (alerts/infected) to Alwil and not to other smtp servers, which works perfectly (remember that avast support multiple smtp servers).