I am trying to configure and understand the .ini file. I get the errors about SMTP and POP ports already in use. I have read the help manual “Cooperation with other software” on how to get avast to work with other programs that use those ports. I see that some entrys need to be made, but not sure on if I need to create new entrys or modify old entrys. I want to use avast in between Outlook 2003 and YahooPOPs, which I use to send and recieve yahoo mail through outlook. I know that these need to be set:
I just can offer you the link to ‘Settings’ in my signature. See section [MailScanner]
I do not use YahooPOPs but you can search the board to have more information.
Add the first three lines to file avast4.ini under the line [MailScanner] (create new entries). It will work without any aditional changes to Outlook accounts - Outlook needs not be redirected to