SMTP Emails remain in queue after update to Avast 8

On a Server running SBS 2011 we run Avast Endpoint Protection Suite.
On Tuesday evening I updated the server from Avast 7 to Avast 8.
On Wensday I noticed, that no mail were sent by our Exchange Server to this ISP via SMTP. All outgoing mails remained in the queue.
After all lot of serching I found the following entry in the Avast mail.log:
10.07.2013 15:38:07 000035EC: TrustStatus: 0x00000020, 0x00000100
10.07.2013 15:38:07 000035EC: PolicyStatus: 0x800B0109
10.07.2013 15:38:07 000035EC: Cannot establish TLS with SMTP server <ip-no.>, SSL_connect error 1:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
This was repeated every 10 minutes.
The connection to the mail server with our ISP is not secured by SSL. Exchange is configured accordingly.
When I disable the mail shield, all mails from the queue were sent.

I did the following work-around:
settings>error handling >forwarding rules >Mail >Ignored Adresses <ip-no.> (I hope this is correct. I use a German version of the console)
Is there another way to prevent AVAST from initiating an SSL-connection to the mail server?
Are the sent mails checked at all when using the described work around?

Very interesting. More bogus “security certificate” errors in a different context. Perhaps this is related to my problem. (See my posts" Mail Shield Security Exclusion Bug" and “Avast! Claims Certificate Invalid”). The common thread seems to be:

Avast! is demanding a “security certificate” related to SSL even though SSL is not being used.

I solved the problem.
There are a lot of new settings in the Avast 8 user interface, which I did not find in the SOA.
I opened the user interface on the server, clicked Security >Mail shield >settings >SSL-search.
There you can simly change for host the connection settings. I change my ISP from SSL to none and every thing works fine.

Okay. In the Avast! 8.x client user interface I see:

Security>Mail Shield>Settings>SSL Scanning

In that tab I have a checkbox for:

Scan SSL Connections. It is checked by default.

Are you saying unchecking this box solved your problem?


Okay, I tried this on two different workstations running the 8.x client:

Yesterday on a Win 7 Ultimate machine running as a domain administrator, I unchecked the “Scan SSL Connections” box in the client GUI. This solved the problem on Eudora 6.x for all POP/SMTP accounts for this user at the time. No recurrences have been reported for this user today. Since this problem can recur several days after attempting to apply a “fix”, this does not mean the problem is fixed permanently, but so far this morning it’s working for this user.

However, today on a different Win 7 Ultimate machine running as a restricted domain user, I unchecked the “Scan SSL Connections” box. Although the settings change persisted through a reboot, this did NOT fix the problem for Eudora 6.x for this user.

Can I get a response from a forum moderator regarding this ongoing bug, PLEASE??? What is Avast! doing about this???