…sounds like I spoke too fast (in another thread where I said no bug in this build on my system… ;D )
I get the following message (screen shot) if I deactivate the scanning of outbound mails, whether I use 465ssl or 587tls in the mail shield proxy, with 587/no ssl set in Thunderbird.
I know, why use the proxy if I don’t want the mails scanned. Good point, I could just switch back to 587/TLS in Thunderbird and ignore the mail shield. But still, this shouldn’t happen.
Not even mentioning that Gmail/SMTP does require authentication (not secure), so the pop up doesn’t make sense at all.
Another bug: if smtp is set normally in Thb (587/Starttls), and the mail shield is set to scan mails, which by definition is impossible, the client can’t just ignore Avast and send the mail, you get the “second screen shot error”…+ the usual ssl warning (if checked in the options, so this one is of course normal).
No big deal, these errors can be easily avoided, as I purposely mentioned here parallel configurations (Avast & Thunderbird) that don’t make sense anyway. But the conflicts shouldn’t happen