SMTP port not connecting after updating to Avast Home 4.8

Running on a Vista x64, OUtlook is perfect all the while running Avast Home 4.7.

However after updating to Home 4.8, suddenly port 25 can’t connect anymore (to any server).

Telnetting to port 25 doesn’t connect either.

ANybody seeing the same issue?

Do you use any firewall? (that might be blocking avast! executables from network since its executables changed during the update)

I only have windows firewall on my Vista.

But I can receive emails (which will also get scanned through Avast).

I turned off Windows Firewall and still can’t telnet into port 25…

If the SMTP server you are connecting to is a public one can you tell us the name of it so that we can check too.

I cannot see any change in avast 4.8 that could be blocking port 25.

Are you using avast’s Outlook plugin or the Internet Mail provider?

I’m having the same problem, but only sometime :frowning:

I CAN send email thrugh GMAIL, because it’s not using port 25, but smtp servers on port25 will not be connected and i cant telnet them either :frowning:

A reboot of the machine helps.

Running latest Avast on Vista Buisness with SP1.

Same problem here.

I used to use but they are stopping their email service in June so I am moving to Gmail and I have tried setting up their smtp server in Avast but no joy yet.

Take a look here: to see how to set up secure email (like GMail) with avast!

The solution is to pass e-mail in and out un-encrypted from your client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, …) to a proxy program (Stunnel) that does the actual ssl or tls encryption/decryption of the pop3/smtp e-mail and communicates directly with the ISP server on the appropriate ports. Download here:

If you were using MS Outlook it would be able to do that as there is a plug-in, which effectively has the avast email scanner inside Outlook. I believe the same is true for ‘The Bat’ email client.

Hi, have you recently installed Sp1 on your Vista 64 system?


I am moving to Gmail and I have tried setting up their smtp server in Avast but no joy yet.

If you do this it will not work and it will definitely prevent the connection.

avast cannot scan any secure connections (and GMail insists on secure connections). Secure connections are secure to prevent them being scanned (just like your online banking transactions).

It you want GMail scanned then, at present, you have to use STunnel as Tech has advided. This manages the secure connections to the mail server and then passes the email to/from your mail client (entirely and safely inside your own system) in a way that avast can scan it.

The problem were also there before SP1.

Note GMAIl SSL email sending is working fine for me, normal SMTP sending simply stop working sometimes.

But avast is not scanning it…

Which firewall do you use? Any other security program?

Builtin Vista firewall and Windows Defender.

Also today Avast decided that I wasn’t allowed to surf any pages in neither Firefox or IE, I had to kill Avast completely…

4.8 has been a disaster and form the look of it on the forums, I’m not the only one with problems, back to betatest ALWIL.

btw. not sure, but my Avast update shortly before i lost my ability to browse.

21-04-2008 23:10:18 1208812218 SYSTEM 1648 The virus database (VPS 080421-1) was automatically updated.

Not really… I’m using since the first beta and the errors that I’ve found were correctly immediatly.

Seems your problem could be solved installing the latest beta version.
Download the updater ( and run it or go here for more information.

YES. Identical problem. My fix was to turn off scan of outgoing mail. However I did not have any telnet problem…

You shouldn’t have any telnet problem as that uses a different port and protocol and isn’t monitored by avast’s email scanner.

Trying out the beta to see if it helps.


I doubt that the beta will make any difference to this problem - but worth a try.

Is the system on which you are experiencing this intermittent problem connected wired or wirelessly?

Wired, so far so good after the beta update, but again the problems are periodic.

Is the sporadic connection problem on port 25 always to the same mail server?

All SMTP servers on port 25, no problems with smtp servers on other ports.

Also i made sure the smtp server was working and it wan’t my line or ISP, by testing from my laptop, which never had any problems (also running sp1 vista)