SMTP settings

How i can change coding of SMTP alerts? They sends to me in coding ‘Easteuropean (ISO)’. But i change it to ‘Cirilyc (windows)’, because NetClients language is Russian. In the settings i can’t find anything to change coding.

Are you talking about SMTP virus alerts? Is the alert email text really localized? (I thought it was always in English)


Yes, a’m tolking about SMTP virus alerts. But there are 2 tipes, as i think:

  1. from ams
  2. from clients

AMS english, whith AMS alerts no problems. Clients russian, they sent message on russian, but they comes to me in incorrect coding. I must for each alert change codding. Can i change coding type in clients config without replace russian client version to english?

And what? No decision on this problem?

You can’t do it in the current version, but it will be fixed in the next program update. That is, starting with the next program updates, the netalerts should send OK even if using non-Latin characters.


VlkOk. When new version of program will be available?