So bad! Avast can't detect Perfect Keylogger

Hi my friends,

Today, I surprised so much, Avast CAN’T detect Perfect Keylogger

I don’t know from where and when my PC is infected by the key logger above. Without any exclusion items set, Free Avast Antivirus can’t detect the key logger which is very famous for many years ago. What a horrible thing!

I uploaded Perfect Keylogger files found from my Windows/system32 folder and 2 screenshots for scan result (one of Avast and one of Spybot Search and Destroy

Infected files (password: 123456): hxtp://
Avast Scan result (not detected any thing):
Spybot Search and Destroy:


Perfect Keylogger is a legit keylogger isn’t it and would under most cases be considered a PUP (not scanned for by default). So were you scanning for PUPs ?

Please remove your sharing link as you have no control over who might download it or what use it may be put to.

Does anyone else have access to this computer ?

as Davidr say perfectKeylogger is a legit keylogger that you have to buy and install -

and avast detect it as Win32:Perflogger-CG [PUP] PUP = not a virus = Possible Unwanted Program
a program that can be used for good or bad… depending on who installed it and why


As you said above: Avast CAN DETECT Perfect Keylogger as something (PUP or not a virus or something else) right?

But in this case, Avast CAN’T detect anything, that’s is a big trouble

Will you use an Antivirus if it allows any dangerous programs to run on your pc WITHOUT any warning?

The file is for Avast Team do a research and update. I don’t know what the team does everyday then the Avast can’t detect a very famous key logger like Perfect Keylogger. Ask you boss for this!

Hi alphatran,

I will be truely honest with you…

If you want avast to detect this…enable scan for PUP in your real time shields…and they wouldnt change the detection since the program is legit…enable PUP>>>real time shields>> file shield>>sensitivity>>check the box that says scan for PUP and click OK…and avast will detect this as PUP…and please remember no antivirus is 100% >:( >:(

You didnt see the detection at Virustotal:

Kaspersky: [b]not-a-virus[/b]:Monitor.Win32.Perflogger.ahn

so yes avast wouldnt change the detection from PUP to malware…because it is a PUP and NOT A VIRUS/MALWARE.

Please read:

This is what is added in everyday updates:

so what they do?? they try their level best to protect their more than 170+ million active users…and 190+ million registered users…


and you know what?? if you are cautious of what you mess around the internet…you wouldnt get any crap keylogger or virus from the internet.

But in this case, Avast CAN'T detect anything, that's is a big trouble
by default it is off because PUP is not virus. so you have to turn [b]PUP[/b] [b]scan[/b] [b]ON[/b] quick and full scan see attached for big picture
Will you use an Antivirus if it allows any dangerous programs to run on your pc WITHOUT any warning?
It is not is a legit keylogger that you have to buy and install

I don’t buy any key logger to monitor myself sir

Don’t type much here, please download the infected files above then scan with PUP turn on in Avast. Then please let me know the result.

The result of Avast Scan in my pc is: NO THREAT FOUND :frowning:

I don't buy any key logger to monitor myself sir
then somone with access to your computer may have done so to monitor you ?

If avast isn’t detecting it then that is because it’s a legitimate program.

Avast! is detecting it …Downloaded and extracted the archive you gave…and avast moved all the files into the chest

Real time shields>>file system shield>>expert settings>>>sensitivity>>check the box that says scan for PUP’s>>hit OK.

Try performing a full scan with PUP on now.

You should turn on PUP scan in avast full scans and quick scans using the more details option.

see screenshots in attach…

Turn ON PUP scan in AvastUI scan options…hit the more details option under quick and full scan options to enable PUP scan.

Post was splitted due to attachment limit…

see screenshots in attach…

Hi my friends,

Thanks so much for helping me,

But I’m a professional developer and very familiar to malware analysis.

Try to scan by yourself then post the result here if you are interested in discussion.

Don’t tell me you scare of download infected files into your PC :(.

No one above try to scan this

As you can see from true Indian’s post/pic he has downloaded an tested and it was detected, if you want your avast to detect it then turn on PUP’s.

As others and myself have previously mentioned this is a legitimate program so if you are a professional developer you should understand this and know where and how this program came to be on your system.

Didnt you see my attached screenshots that I took on the point of avast detection…avast does detect it…you need to enable PUP scan in avast which is NOT turned on by default

Enable PUP scan in your avast in this way:

Real time shields>>file system shield>>expert settings>>sensitivity>>check the box that says scan for PUP’s>>hit OK.

Now avast should protect you against this keylogger.

For enabling scan in quick and full scans of avast:

Hit more details option under quick and full scan options in avast user interface>>turn on PUP scan>>now avast will detect PUP;s in the scan and it will even Pick up the keylogger.

Look at my screenshots in attach

Hi true indian,

Thanks for your attention in this thread but what you are doing is to talk out of the true:

Let download the video below then do the same as what I do, you will see what you should know:

There is some so bad things the Avast do:

  1. Avast CAN’T detect Perfect Keylogger in its scan, whatever Full, Quick or Folder… THIS IS THE TRUE, take a look on the video or do it by yourself.

  2. If the PUP is turn off by default, this should be warned at least on the installation time. But there is no thing to be warned.

  3. I think NO ONE wants their antivirus, on which he/she trusted on to protect private information (message, password, bank account…) to allow any software like key logger, screen monitor, password crapper… So Avast Manager and Developers are crazy to have the PUP turn off by default. If your customer knows this, they will remove Avast surely.

I spent a day of 1st Jan 2013 for changing many passwords because of this trouble, it’s my crazy greeting for new year!

Surely, I remove the Avast to try another after for 5 year to use this.

It is a legitimate programme that is used (mainly by parents) to track what the kids are doing. It is only bad if someone puts it on your computer without you knowing. It is the same rationale behind some toolbars which I would never use, but some people download them intentionally to use i.e. iLivid

PUP is off for a reason with avast so people are not annoyed with PUP detections…I dont see any reason to change your AV… ::slight_smile:

Also how and from where you got this keylogger is the question…avast is not on fault anyways since it does detect it :-\


you are doing a right click scan (scan from windows explorer) … but you have not turned on PUP scan for right click … did you :wink:

3. I think NO ONE wants their antivirus, on which he/she trusted on to protect private information (message, password, bank account....) to allow any software like key logger, screen monitor, password crapper.... So Avast Manager and Developers are crazy to have the PUP turn off by default. If your customer knows this, they will remove Avast surely.
[b]all malicious software is detected with default settings....[/b] the one classed as PUP are none malicious.....thats why it is default off

the avast developers have played with malware 24/7 for over 20 years so they know how this works

and this is my last post here. ::slight_smile:

If what he said was true its impossible to have 170+ million users and over 190+ million registerations ;D

Thanks again for all,

But it’s enough now, I have removed the Avast so I can’t test or do anything else with that bad guy. And I am using another, it’s perfect in detect Perfect Keylogger whatever from manual scan or real time protection.

An important thing to make me to remove Avast is the way of Avast Team takes a look on what client reports. I have not been in case of this before: instead of listening the idea you are trying with your best to talk out of the true and don’t care on the bad thing on front of your face. I think that no western corporate does this!

I’m over the game,