so how effective is avast's behaviour shield?

ROFL…Oh, I need to clean my carpet…you discover things like that when you fall off your chair laughing. ;D

;D ;D ;D

Maybe he’s going to cast a bad spell against you Gargamel360 :o ;D

but it not me going to cast a bad spell against you it will be god that cast a bad spell against you Gargamel360 for bullying a person thats haves autism

Seriously, this is totally OT, and the last time I am going to respond to you, ever, unless you use Avast! and have a problem you need help with.
I was raised by a disabled person…and I understand autism…I know very well the difficulties you face.

I also know very well disabled people have a habit of getting headstrong about pushing their barriers.

If you came here for help with Avast!, I would totally make concessions for you, try to fix your problem. I might even be nice about it. You deserve no less.

But that is not what you do. You do not even use Avast!, and you come here repeatedly with nothing but negative to say about Avast!, with little or nothing to back it up. You come across as very rude, pushy, and demanding, and people are going to respond to that negatively. This starts a battle of words and opinions. Not the best battleground for someone with autism.

To give you a metaphor, you are the equivalent of a paraplegic trying to compete in the Olympics…it just does not work, that is why they have the Special Olympics.

I understand autism in no way limits your intelligence, just your ability to learn and communicate. And as a disabled person, you are free to push your barriers…but there are some things that are always going to be limited in.

I’m sorry if I offended you, but as I said, when you push your barriers, things don’t get easier, they get harder, you have to learn to expect this…and crying “I’m disabled” after you start something is too late, nor does it give you a free license to do as you please.

+1 Well put Gargamel360 :slight_smile:

expert you got some issues with that i do use avast thought gdata thought its signatures and its still in my vm i haven’t get rid of it because the vm program is down

if u r not satisfied with avast den think again u can get comodo firewall or private firewall and threatfire to run alongside it… avast 7 is the future of avast :smiley: im sorry for using short cuts in my posts…

Confused ??? The previous two posts make no sense ???

Lol,you guys.Bob?Gargamel?How you dare talking to nsm0220,he is the smartest person here,he can “kill malware and rip them to pieces”,he can outsmart all of us.How you dare talking to him?
Bob,Gargamel?I do not recognize you… ;D.Get serious,please 8) .

if you dont stop calling me a troll bad things will happen
So Voodoo really works? Are you from Haiti per chance?

Seriously, it would help if a technical explaination of how behavior shield works could be given.

If it only works when set to Ask mode, how is that any better than the run of mill HIPS on the market? Is the average PC user capable of responding correctly to the Ask alerts with the information provided?

For example, does it auto sandbox the process with limited rights, send it to Avast cloud scanners for detailed analysis and if OK, auto releases it from the sandbox all invisible to the user? Comodo’s Defense+ with Sandboxing enabled does. This is what “auto” mode means to me.

Looks like Avast 7 will get it right:

avast 7 is really going to have some amazing features and looks like they are having… advanced heuristics scanning and analysis done in the sandbox when it detects suspicious or unknown files… avast 7 also comes with cloud protection and an improved behaviour shield cant wait to test the final and beta version

However, adavnced sandboxing features will only be available in the paid versions :frowning:

However, adavnced sandboxing features will only be available in the paid versions
No sense crying about it... ;D If those features are something that you can't live without, simply purchase the paid version of your choice. :)

Maybe you should learn how to use Spell Check and also that IE9 is really good on WIN 7 x64 SP1 Home Premium.

Come on, maybe he just didn’t notice the typo. However, I would like to know why he uses IE8 on Win7 when 9 is so much better in every way.

Come on, maybe he just didn’t notice the typo. However, I would like to know why he uses IE8 on Win7 when 9 is so much better in every way.
+1 on both accounts

Must be a slow day when your complaining about my spelling :stuck_out_tongue:

I will be converting to IE9 soon. Been waiting for it to “mature.”

thats a really long big leap for avast paid versions… at least the free will have the advanced heuristics but no testing in the sandbox :smiley: and at least the free version should have cloud protection and improved behaviour shield :smiley: i should purchase the internet security version asap xD


(Don’t know if that is ok to preface like that, but started following from OP on, lost a couple of days, just caught up just now) If I shouldn’t do that, let me know.

Notice that nsm0220 seems to have left everyone alone, at least for now.

I am disabled (won’t say for the moment how) and can understand how nsm0220 might feel angry >:( >:( >:(
even when there may be no provocation – being disabled is hard simply because another might not even see it, much less understand it. This may be because a person most likely doesn’t have that disability or know someone close to them who does.

Learning to accept limitations is hard too.

It really doesn’t matter what the disability is, the result can be a lashing out without focus or direction. The more severe the disabilty, the tendency is, the greater the degree. This is bad when this happens. Of course, the maturity achieved in life so far has much to do with how we treat others as well.

Time can moderate all things.

Bob3160 is right:

It's nice to be Important It's more important to be Nice

So I am going to go with the latter, ok?

(Back on topic)

Thanks for the explanations about what Avast! Behavior Shield is, and what it does. Settings here have been changed to Ask, so…

Can’t wait for version 7!

Bob3160 is right:

It’s nice to be Important
It’s more important to be Nice

( When ever possible ) is missing from that phrase. ;D

It is very mature. :wink:

March 16, 2011 - 4:58 A.M. Microsoft IE9 release: Download "the best browser"

I have been using it since it was announced way back in 2011.