About two months ago Firefox had another update. Since then I had trouble with my Yahoo mail. I could not open messages. When i tried to compose a message, i could never go beyond the headings and type in any actual text. Then, when i went to Yahoo mail in Explorer, Explorer would crash umpteen times before I had completed a short email. I contributed this problem to the Firefox upgrade. The OS was Vista and I used the free Avast program for antivirus. I liked Avast well enough.
A month ago I bought another laptop and was delighted that I could use Yahoo mail normally again. Btw, i have Yahoo accounts for mail that may result in spam, etc. On my laptop was a 30-day trial of Norton which I used. It seemed all right, not as “in your face” as Norton used to be. Today the Norton trial expired. Since I was always happy with Avast, i decided to buy the top program with Internet Security and installed it.
Just now I tried to write a short email in Yahoo and the old problems are all back in force. In Firefox I couldn’t type in any text. And in Explorer, Explorer crashed so many times as I was in Yahoo mail that I never managed to finish a 3 sentences email.
So, now I am wondering whether Avast has been the cause of my Yahoo problems? What can I do about this as I use Yahoo mail daily and the way it has been acted up and resumed this nonsense this evening, is driving me crazy.
Help, please!
PS: I wasn’t sure in which forum to post. So, please, move my message if it ended up in the wrong forum.