SO slow

Why is Avast scanning so slow?

I’m using Avast free version (4.6).

Hello :slight_smile:

The scanning speed depends from many factors.For example can you say what kind of scanning do you use(e.g.Quick, Normal or Thorough Scan), do you use the option to scan the archived files. The Thorough scan is the slower one.
So can you provide us some more info about your system and the scanning method, so we can give you the bestest advice :wink:

Yeah, what he said :slight_smile:

Also, realize that many things come into play in doing a system-intensive task like virus scanning such as:

  • Memory Available- Hard Drive Access Speed- Other Tasks Running- Anything to do with resident protection (since you are accessing many files on your HDD, any other resident scanning programs (such as antispyware, etc) will also be scanning EVERY file you are scanning with Avast, so it is like you are doing twice the work at once

Other than that, realize that performing any type of through scan for malware is going to take quite a while, because every file has to be accessed, sometimes decrypted or decompressed, analyzed for any of the thousands of potential malwares that it could be infected with, and then put back in it’s place as if Avast had never touched it. This takes time.

And I think the old addage, “Would you rather have it done quick? Or done right?” definately applies here. If you are relating Avast to other programs you’ve used before, they may not have been doing as good of a job.

I moved from NAV to avast just about a year ago.

Just after I moved someone made a post almost identical to this.

So I did some timings back then. I noted that avast was slower than NAV in performing basically similar scans. But (and, of course, I cannot speak for you) what does it matter? Do you sit in front of your system waiting for it to finish? This is not your dinner in the microwave after all.

I just think of how much money I have not paid to NAV and set my scan to run at a time when I am going to be doing something else (I’m sure most of us still have other things to do than watch antivirus scans).

Of course, if your system is so busy that you must have the fastest scan available, you may need to consider alternatives.

However, you might miss out on a great product, and (just my opinion) one of the best product user forums I have encountered.

System specs:

P4 3.2ghz (Prescott)
4GB Kingston 533 RAM
400GB Seagate Barracuda SATA HDD (7200RPM/8MB cache)
80GB Seagate Barracuda SATA HDD (7200RPM/8MB cache)

I Start the scan on the 80GB disk with a Thorough/archived files Scan

For the most part I do an on-demand scan once a week as part of my regular maintenance I have it set on Standard sensitivity without archives.

I did a full Thorough scan with archives after I installed avast and would only do one now if I suspected something was wrong. With the different levels of protection, avast provides good protection in depth with the various resident scanners using standard shield as a fall back, scanning new and modified files. So I don’t feel the need to do a through scan on a regular basis.

Archive files are by their nature inert until you unzip them and execute the payload/file/s inside, in this case the standard shield would check them as they are unpacked and or executed, so I don’t use processor cycles scanning archives in my regular scans.

This practice you could say has stood the test of time over the last year and a half with no infections. My standard scan with no archives takes about 8 minutes, time for a cup of tea. I don’t have two huge HDDs 40GB and 120GB nor huge amounts of data, and only about 6GB being scanned.

I recently switched from NAV corporate edition to Avast home edition. I have an “older” notebook PC. I run XP pro and use roughly 13G of a 40G harddrive. Scan times on my old NAV ran a little under an hour for a thorough scan. Scan times with my new Avast software run approximately 4 to 8 hours for a quick scan, 13 hours for a standard scan and 23+ hours for a thorough scan. This does not include archived files. I’m just learning as I go along when it comes to all things computer related and have to admit that I feel a bit overwhelmed when trying to decipher the immensely long log files with each scan. I’d like to keep using the Avast software but definitely need to find a way to speed up the scan times. Also, I scan only when the computer is not in use by other programs. Please advise with some step-by-step solutions…