So the update worked, but now it says my virus definitions are outdated

even though when I try to update, it says up-to-date.

Any help?

I would just wait until tomorrow. For now it appears to just be an cosmetic bug.

As I said in another topic about this:

I think that they have pulled the VPS 121003-2 version so the update check doesn't fail as it did before.

That is why it is showing 121003-1 as the latest update when you try an update check. This gives them time to find the reason for the problem in the bad VPS update without the problem ‘for users’ spreading as people update. So those who managed to get round the problem of the bad VPS they will still see version 121003-2 as their current version.

So I would expect an update later today version 121004-0 to be released, that should fully resolve the VPS version number mismatch. But having pulled the bad VPS version from the update servers, the system should be working.