I noticed a few days ago when I start Avast I get a news update page underneath the interface. Is this permanent?
No, this is the first iNews pop-up I have had for some time and it is only for special occurrences and this one relates to 100,000,000 avast users.
So being a registered Avast User already, I cant win. Is this correct?
Yes, you can’t win, even if you registered with new email and details, the chances of being the 100,000,000 registrant, etc. are very slim. The whole point of this is just to mark a milestone and is not a competition. So multiple registrations kind of defeats the purpose of the milestone.
This is unfair!
Better check the IP Address of everyone registering!
Why is it unfair, it is to mark a milestone and not a competition.
Checking IPs of everyone registering, wouldn’t achieve a lot as IP addresses aren’t unique as they are generally dynamic and assigned by your ISP when you first connect. So unless you have a fixed IP address, which I doubt as they generally cost money to have a fixed on assigned.
The only real complaint I had against the orange pop-up I got concerning the 100,000,000 avast users was that there was no way on the pop-up itself to close it. You had to wait for it to go away on its own. I guess I could have went in to task manager to do it but that would have taken as long as it took for it to close on its own.