Software I wrote is being seen as a virus or un save software by Avast

I have software that I have written to work on a windows 7 format. It works well in Windows XP and in Windows 7 . I have just put Avast virus protection on the system and it sees my software as a threat. I’m about to pull the avast software off my system unless there is a fix for this. Can you help?

Upload the software to VT for analysis>>

Post the link to the results back here.

As for your own PC, you made the software so I assume you trust it. So you can always set exclusions for it…how to do that would depend on which Avast! shield is detecting it.

what does the software you wrote do?

as gargamel360 said have it analysed on that site and what is the result

any software can work just fine on a computer, a virus works fine too as long as you dont run the AV product :slight_smile:
maybe its something in your routines or the function of the program that is considered a viral act or malware act.

is it detection or autosandbox? Post the screenshot of alert window, please.
