Software Updater gone from Smart Scan ?

Today I noticed that there is no more Software Updater as a part of Smart Scan.
Software Updater component is installed.
I am using the latest version of Avast Free on Windows 7 x64.

Same problem, I made a thread a day ago with the name “smartscan bug”

Personally I find the NOT so smart scan a pain in the backside, being more of a vehicle to promote other avast products.

In much the same way as on demand scans in a resident scanner are much depreciated as active files are scanned by the resident on-access scan.

Any of the more useful scans (previously) in the NOT so Smart Scan are available as regular on-demand scans, by useful I mean the Software Updater (in the UI > Performance section) and the WiFi Inspector (in the UI > Protection section).

Perhaps but that’s kind of besides the point. Something isn’t working as it should and something is broken or changed with an update.

Hello, it is not a bug - it was removed on purpose. Software updater step was temporary removed because it caused troubles. It will be back, when issue is fixed. But thank you for letting us know :slight_smile: