Hi all.
See img.
Ok, sorry, seem that the problem is the java updater that work bad.
In this moment in the java site don’t work also the section dowload!!!
Ok, after i downloaded and reinstalled the “jre-7u25-windows-i586.exe” the version is equal with the version in “software update”.
Java autoupdate worked bad in my system.
Personally I would be looking to see if you even need JAVA installed as it is a massive target for malware.
It isn’t a required system function/application, you only need it if sites that you absolutely need to visit use JAVA (not JavaScript) or an application that you have installed uses JAVA. Otherwise save yourself a lot of grief and uninstall JAVA from add remove programs/programs and features.
jave reinstalled and all ok (version
Yes, I agree with you, but some applications with I work require java and I can’t do without.
Yes, nothing you can do about that, but take the pain of constantly keeping JAVA up to date to combat new vulnerabilities.