solution for 2015 update resulting in high CPU usage

solution for 2015 update resulting in high CPU usage

go to the main board announcing the release of 2015, find the download links and select the version you use.
Download, but don’t install.
also download the clean uninstall software, but don’t run it.

close your browser
restart computer in Safe Mode (in Windows, as the computer begins to boot, press the F8 key and then select Safe Mode)

on your desktop find the clean uninstall program and launch it.

restart your computer in regular mode

now install the 2015 software NOTE: you’ll need your license code if you’re using something other than a free version.
You’ll need to tweak avast a bit as your settings will not be carried over into the new version
Likely you’ll get a pop-up when launching the internet to allow the Internet Security from Avast (at least that’s the case in Premier)

you should be good to go - at least this worked for me.

beegolden, not worked for me. unfortunately!

FYI, the avast uninstaller prompts the user to reboot into safe mode already.
Moral of the story…let avast do its thing so you don’t have to.

Oh so sorry! maybe Tech Support will have a solution too.

thanks! I didn’t notice that prompt when running the uninstaller.

just a possibility for why it isn’t working - I noticed in the main 2014 release announcement that originally the links were incorrect. So if you used them prior to them being fixed, you’d have trouble… sure hope that you can get it resolved soon!

Can you tell us what porcess was that? If it’s “avast NG” (basically if it has NG in the name) is normal to consume some more resources after installation until it’s completed. It’s a virtual machine for behavior heuristics engine (DeepScreen) and needs few minutes to complete and may consume some CPU and also make HDD be active quite a lot. It’s a problem ony if it doesn’t go away after an hour or so.

mftutil.exe eats about 25% of my CPU, which appears to be part of NG. Hasn’t slowed down after 2 hours, so this is a problem for me.

While you lose some protection, it IS possible to disable the NG part of Avast 2015. Go into Control Panel, right click the Avast entry, and choose Change. When you get the list of installed components, scroll the list of Tools until you see NG. Uncheck and see if it corrects the problem.


What is the file “mftutil” loads the CPU 25%
C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ng\mftutil.exe

I had the exact same problem…25% cpu usage, which is completely unacceptable!!

I don’t think my fix is a good long term solution, but here is what I did to remedy the issue.

open avast window

select settings

select trouble shooting

un-check the box named Avast self defense module

now you can end the process in task manager…

I am no computer expert and I do not have the time or energy to deal with this non-sense…Hopefully AVst will fix this problem and very soon…otherwise after 6 years of using this software, I will dump it for something else.

I have recommended Avast to dozens of people over the years because it works and works well with no real issues… but eating 25% of my cpu power non stop is just flat out BS… puts a huge load on my hardware for no reason!!

Ending the process isn’t a fix. It will be back when you next use your computer.
It usually takes a little while for NG to settle in. Once that’s done, the memory usage is no longer a problem.
If that doesn’t happen for you, the solution is to uninstall NG as described by NoelC.

In my case, avastsvc.exe is the one who keeps the cpu at 100%.
I noticed that if I close Incredimail, the problem solves. But I need Incredimail!
If I close File System Shield in Avast, avastsvc.exe returns to normal cpu use. But, I can’t leave the sistem unprotected!
I’ll uninstall 2015 version and I’ll replace it with 2014 (this works without problems), and hope that Avast tech will solve this problem.