[solved] - Antispam stopped working?

Hi guys, my avast antispam module just stopped working recently for Outlook 2007. It was working before however. The splash screen appears, and the mail shield still works though. But the antispam toolbar isn’t there, and it doesnt check my emails.

My ports are 110/25 no SSL encryption. I’m using a lavabit email account, incoming mail server: pop.lavabit.com. outgoing mail server: smtp.lavabit.com (requires authentication).

Help is greatly appreciated, thanks :smiley:

Actually, there are some troubles with the antispam module and they are trying to solve it in next version.
There is a beta version of the antispam module (.dll file) that could be installed and tested.
K.u.r.t. is the one who could give you more info.

Ok thanks Tech. I can wait. Will it be fixed in the program update in 2 weeks or the 5.1 build at the end of summer?

As it seems you’re well informed already… My guess would be the next minor update…!! :wink:


OT: Why is there (in your screen-name) no full stop/period after the ‘t’…?? :wink:

Retorical question:
Why are Austrians so literal in the use of the English language ???

  1. It should be ‘rhetorical’…!! (to be really literal…) :wink:
  2. And if this is a rhetorical question, I don’t have to answer it. ;D
    Have a nice weekend, Kenny…!!

alright thanks for all the replies :smiley: