Good morning, this is the first time I write in your forum, sorry if I’m wrong section
phone details
Samsung s4 Android 4.4.2 (not upgrade Android 5.x for battery dry)
Since upgrading to avast 5.x (now 5.2.0) activating Internet only when needed (no wifi), does not update the virus definitions, because it automatically tries to update itself (see the log) when I’m not connected to internet, then having to force a manual search for update.
I already tried to
- Clear cache app
- Uninstall old version (4.x)
- Install new version (5.1.2 and then 5.2.0)
as I suggested by the support but I have not solved.
The previous version 4.x, the virus definition is automatically upgraded (or nearly so) when I turned on the internet and I did not need to force a manual search.
For this reason (also open ticket to the avast support) I had to put several times the old version 4.x pending the resolution of the problem, important to me.
Thank for help me for fix this problem
Sorry for my English, but I’m Italian, I wrote with the help of google translator.
Further update:
I confirm, to my regret, that if I do not have active internet all day the antivirus does not update the virus definitions.
I see you try to upgrade, but use the Internet only when I need it, and to this day are still standing to 160513-01 version, updated manually 2 days ago.
I wait a few more days then I have to switch back to version 4.x, updating the virus definitions is just active internet
I hope this problem will be solved with the next update sw, I think I’m not the only one to use the Internet only when I need them.
Do you expect AMS to update the virus database without internet access? That’s not possible.
I know that is impossible without active internet, but I did not ask this 
I ask one more thing, just Avast detects an active internet connection, if you spend most of 4 hours from the previous search, update the virus definitions, as soon as it happens you turn on your phone, automatically starts the search to find the new virus definitions.
With version 4.x, I do not upgrade problems, just active internet avast update the virus definitions.
I do not have the ability to keep active Internet 24 hours a day, but I want to be protected, with virus definitions that update automatically as soon as possible as soon as I connect to the internet.
I hope I was clear
My internet access is on all the time via my carrier and also with WiFi. For me, the VPS updates are transparent for to most part. On occasion, I have manually checked for update and sometimes it did update at that time but it likely would have done so shortly anyway. I don’t really have any concern about it. If you have nothing else sucking up your data plan in the background, AMS has a minimal impact.
You may try in the Italian forum.
I thank you for the answers.
I use the internet only when you really need me (there will be few, but they are certainly not the only one), then those 2 or 3 hours a day via my cell phone, not using facebook, twitter, or whatsup, I can not wait 'utilities maintain this my internet connection active all day.
They are about 3 years I use avast on my phone, I have always enjoyed it, and no problem with this type of updates, until the last version 5.x I is creating problems.
Therefore, I hope not to have to change antivirus.
I ask the Italian community hoping to have better luck.
Check that “Update over Wi-Fi only” is not turned on in Settings | Update. If you have no access to WiFi, you would receive no VPS updates.
Meanwhile I put the 4.0.8139 version with default settings, and this version after hours I had turned off the internet, after a few minutes after the activation of the internet (no wifi) has automatically updated the virus definitions (as written in the Italian section →
And with version 5.x, improved version 4.x does not happen.
Putting default update only wifi is not the solution, I already tried
Thank you for the time you have dedicated to me
Sorry if I insist.
These are my tests made with avast 4.0.8139
As you can see by attached, I did a virus scan with your phone is not connected to the internet and as you can see at 9:13 and did a virus definition search and has not been able to update. Ok since it is not connected to the Internet.
At 09:14 I connected my phone to the internet (no wifi) and a minute later, at 09:15, the virus (see log) made the automatic search for virus definitions.
I do not think to ask while, asking the same search function / automatic update I have with version 4.x and with my limited use of internet, I am very well.
I know that I insist, and I apologize, but with the previous version 4.0.8139 was very good for me, and I wish it was reintroduced this feature in the future, even on the version 5.x, immediately I update immediately the latest version.
Hi, could you please send me the number of the ticket or the e-mail address you sent it from (as a personal message)? My colleague would like to investigate your issue more closely. Thanks!
I sent a private message with the required details
I hope that the details and my tests reported in this discussion and the ticket that I have indicated in private (in Italian language written) are sufficient to solve my problem.
I thank all the staff.
Hi Vianello, I was told a colleague of mine has sent you a link to AMS 4 where everything works well. Another colleague is still trying to find out what is going on and will contact you through the ticket, if he is successful. Cheers!
It works with version 4.x everything correctly with version 5.x I hope will be implemented the automatic update feature of the virus version, if you activate the Internet, as with version 4.x
I just responded to the ticket, adding more information about the behavior of version 4.x and 5.x about these updates.
I thank you for all the help you Tereza and all the staff are giving me.
I performed the same tests on 3 different devices
- An old galaxy (my mother) with Android 4.1.2
- My Galaxy S4 with Android 4.4.2
- Mediacom Tablet with Android 4.1.1
The results are identical for all 3 devices
Avast 5.2.1: Update the virus definitions only at predetermined intervals, just turn on your phone or tablet and thereafter at intervals of 4 hours.
Avast 4.0.8139: If different time passed since the last search, or just installed, update the definitions when it detects an active internet connection, which does not happen with version 5.x.
For this reason, using just the Internet, I always come back to 4.x version after trying a few days version 5.x
I added more details in open support ticket.
I thank you for the support
I note that the problem I had reported months ago with version 5.x has been fixed with the 5.6.1 version currently in beta that I’m trying.
I thank all the staff for their help and support received in recent months.