Solved: Avast free Definitons are dated one day a head

HI when I started my desktop computer the light green pop up came up saying that my definitions were up to date this is the strange part though. On the pop the definitions are dated August 28, 2012. I now that today is August 27,2012. I should also say that my date and time are correct on my computer. What I would like to now is their anyway to fix this issue.

Thanks have a great day any help is welcome

Because of the time zone.

VPS 120828-0 is the correct virus data base.

Thanks Iroc9555 for the fast reply to my question.

Thanks again

I just got this too. It freaked me out a bit. Good to know it is normal.

Depending on the time of day, definition updates (like everything in Europe) often appear to be a day behind.
I am quite used to it by now. It’s been that way all my life.