SOLVED! avast! Linux HE does not download updates after 120914-0

Hello everyone,

I am running Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS 32-bit with Xfce-Desktop (a nice distro called Voyager).

The latest virus signatures in my version of avast! Linux HE date from September 14th 2012. When I hit the update button avast! will not download updates. It seems to check with the server but no download starts. Every time I do that a new log entry is created saying that the signatures were updated to version 120914-0. I get a “No updates available” message when trying to update via terminal using the command avast-update.

I have no other problem with avast! It scans just fine and the known engine error (you know: 128000000 as a hint) was fixed by me right after installation a few weeks ago. Until September 14th updates worked flawlessly.

Could it be something similar to this?:

Is a new update for avast! Linux simply not available at this time? Is the server down? Is the problem not on my side?

Or is there indeed something wrong here? Has anyone else encountered this problem (if it is one)?

Thanks in advance for your help!


EDIT: Does the following offer the solution if something actually is wrong with my avast?:

     " Re: offline updates for Linux?

       (Answer/Suggestion by "Tech")
       On Linux, maybe, you can download
       Then, quit avast, replace your old 400.vps with the new file, and start avast again. The new database could be accepted."

       If I did that will normal updates via internet be possible again? I have not tried this yet because I do not want to mess around with my avast! until I know that the problem is
       on MY side.

Hello there,

I started avast! a couple of minutes ago and voila! No problem downloading virus signatures 120917-0, so everything is alright and good again. I hope… At least it worked just as it used to. So I will mark this thread solved.

I am still wondering though what the problem was and if my assumption that simply no updates were available or that the server might be down was correct. Jugding from other forum entries it has happened a couple of times in the past. So I would still appreciate an answer from someone involved with avast! Linux. I am courious, I admit. :slight_smile:

(Grateful avast! user - huge Thank you to avast! for providing us Linux fans with this great (Windows) virus scanner!)