[Solved]Cannot display any webpage when Web Shield has turned on!!

After a recent update, I cannot browse any webpages… the web browser shows a blank page on whatever URL address, no matter using firefox or IE…

then I try to stop the Web Shield in the Real-Time Shields tap, everything goes back to normal and the browser works fine…
turn on the Web Shield again, no webpage can be displayed…

I am using windows xp with avast free version with version no. 5.0.594

why is that?

Do you have a firewall ?

Do you use a proxy to connect to the internet ?

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Thanks!! Problem solved!!

I do not use proxy and I am using zonealarm free firewall… The problem is that the firewall denies internet access for avastService…
After allowing it in the firewall, now I can turn on Web Shield and browsing webpages…

Really thanks Pondus and DavidR!!

No problem, glad I could help.

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