Perhaps I’m not doing something correctly, but took my phone in today and my service provider thought replacing the SIM card would fix my issues. Well, I don’t know if it’s fixed my issues or not because the anti-theft keeps going off. I’ve repeatedly requested that the recovery pin be sent to the recovery phone #. Have entered that pin into my phone and am able to get onto my phone.
BUT then…
Within a few minutes I get a crazy text message saying that I input an invalid pin???
And now there is NO WAY that the recovery phone # is going to work because I uninstalled Avast thinking that it would fix the anti-theft warning. NOT… created a BIGGER headache for me. UGGGHHHHH
Well, I can’t view the messages now but it was something to the effect of “Your recovery pin sent to number (husband’s cell #) is invalid” and also my name was in the message as well. Since I uninstalled Avast trying to get rid of the issue, that no longer works now because there is NO recovery phone # in there now.
Here is the WHOLE STORY of everything that went down. MAYBE SOMEONE out there can help me???
[b]Yesterday, I went to the AT&T store in Terre Haute, IN thinking that I might be able to get a phone upgrade. Upon checking, I was not eligible and they asked why I was looking to upgrade, was I having issues with my phone?
I explained that yes, I was having a few issues (slow Internet, GPS not responding, etc). She explained that changing the SIM card should help with those issues and proceeded to change my SIM card (I honestly had forgotten that I had Anti-Theft installed) Well, There in the middle of the AT&T store, my phone goes off that it’s been lost or stolen. I thought, no biggie, my husband was standing right there and his was the recovery cell # that I had listed on the account so I activated it so that it would send a recovery pin to him. It did and I entered that pin and was able to get on my phone TEMPORARILY. It wasn’t very long afterwards that I started receiving text messages saying that the pin was invalid and my phone was locked and started announcing again that it was lost or stolen.
Again, we requested a recovery pin to my husband’s phone and again, we entered the new pin. Was able to get on the phone again TEMPORARILY before it locked up AGAIN and started sending those text messages saying that the pin entered was invalid.
ONCE MORE, we requested a recovery pin sent to my husband’s phone and again, we entered the new pin, again able to TEMPORARILY use the phone. THIS time however I removed Avast thinking that would solve my problem of the phone locking up. Now I realize that was about the worst thing I could have done. Since doing this, that removed my husband’s # that was listed on the account and I no longer am even able to have recovery pins sent to his phone.