[SOLVED] Fix Disabling Avast Internet / Correção Avast Desativando Internet

Hello Guys, here is the fix for this just download, extract and run “fixtcpip.bat”

[b]LINK: http://www.themediafire.com/avastfix[/b]

I hope I have helped :slight_smile:

Olá Pessoal, a correção está aqui, para tal basta baixar, extrair e executar o “fixtcpip.bat”

[b]LINK: http://www.themediafire.com/avastfix[/b]

Eu espero ter ajudado :slight_smile:

I am sorry, sir. What is this a fix for, specifically?

This, solved a atualization, by the error of the Deleted TCP/IP this morning… (06/12/12)
