Hello, just a quick question about the current program version (7.0.1426.0).
Is “Follow links during scan” unchecked by default in the Full System Scan settings?
Thank you in advance.
Hello, just a quick question about the current program version (7.0.1426.0).
Is “Follow links during scan” unchecked by default in the Full System Scan settings?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Tetsuo,
my settings (and I remember I never change it) for “Follow links during scan” is unchecked.
Then I think is a default value
I think these screen shots will show default settings
Thank you both.
Yeah, I guess it’s the default value now. Honestly at first I thought I’d accidentally changed it because I could have sworn that in some past version that option was checked by default. Perhaps I’m wrong…
Unfortunately they don’t. Only quick and boot time scans are shown there.
Yes, that option was checked for the Full Scan somewhere in the past - but since all your disks will be scanned during that scan, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s checked or not (I “unchecked” it because in cases of weird links pointing to strange drive letters, as we sometimes see with some Windows installations, non-matching drives, e.g. removable disks if they happen to be connected to those letters at the moment, might get scanned).
Thank you, Igor