I cannot access avast anymore, because it asks for a PIN number I do not know. How can I reset it?
I tried uninstalling avast through normal means but it won’t let me. So I went to application menu in settings, stopped avast cleared data and it was possible to uninstall it. Still Once I reinstalled it I had no success it still asked for the PIN.
I have access to the phone
Avast is not rooted nor is it a device administrator
I may have install avast anti-theft, although I don’t remember. At least it is not in the list of installed applications.
My android version is 4.2
For future reference what I did, thank you Werner for the help =):
To reset the pin you have to uninstall both anti theft ant avast mobile security.
(Un)fortunately avast anti-theft has a different name, which I had to look for in the application manager in my android phone (not google play). Once I found an unusual application name I uninstalled it, then uninstalled avast mobile security. Finally reinstalled avast mobile security and the pin was reset.
it acutally is userfriendly. but it’s a security app aswell. so, it wouldn’t make sense to have an easy workaround for the PIN.
We also offer the option to setup a “PIN Recovery Phone Number” in case you forget your avast! PIN, the app will send a temporary access PIN to this phone number via SMS.
The user can also change his avast! PIN in my.avast.com
You see - it’s merely a “user problem” not a software problem.