Hi Guys,
Does anyone experience internet speed degradation with avast IS 7? For me, it takes more time to load web sites than it was used to be with avast version 6. However avast 7 file real-time scanning is efficient than earlier one.
Hi Guys,
Does anyone experience internet speed degradation with avast IS 7? For me, it takes more time to load web sites than it was used to be with avast version 6. However avast 7 file real-time scanning is efficient than earlier one.
Could it be avast! Firewall NDIS Filter driver?
Well, difficult to say and to troubleshoot.
Hope someone more experienced in networking issues come here to help.
Thanks for responding Tech Hope someone will help me solve this.
Maybe if other users can post their experience… Anybody else is facing this problem? Thanks.
Hi Tech,
If you don’t mind, can you tell me is there anyone you know who can help me on this? 'Cause problem still persisting. Or do you think I should change to version 6?
try closing web shield and then try again, tell us if the problem has been solved when web shield is off.
don’t forget to run it back after you finish.
Not to generate any kind of problems… but i had MSE and everything okay, downloaded the lastest version and my internet, at leasy Google Chrome, slowed a 50%
there’s been browsing issues (slowness) with some builds during the beta phase, solved now… at least here I can tell that any network operation runs as fast as possible, ie just as fast as it would be if Avast wasn’t installed at all. For those experiencing problems, either wait for an Avast dev to post here and troubleshoot the issue with you, or do a clean install of V7.
Thanks mate Tried 'em already. But it still happens.
Thanks mate But I love avast and with my experiences it beats all… (And I’m using avast IS…)
Alright logos Gonna install from scratch after running avast uninstall utility. Will let you know.
Did a clean install of avast! 7. Still problem remains. Waiting for an Avast dev…
Time to revert back to avast 6 until someone address the issue
Any avast Devs here?
Please do, and report back if that has any effect on the network speed.I don’t recall any new feature in v7 that could influence this in any way…
Alright VLK Jus’ let me uninstall v7, install v6 N report back…
I just installed AIS version 6 and checked browsing speed on my browser. Whoa… Unfortunately now it seems v6 have the same problem. I had v6 before installing v7 and it wasn’t sluggy this much. But after installing and uninstalling v7, now v6 got the same effect on it.
Any suggestions?
Which programs are being running in the backgroud?
Can you check changing OpenDNS to Automatic in your network settings help?
Hi Tech,
I just changed to DNS settings to Automatic. But it doesn’t seem resolve my problem mate.
I have these programs running on background (in addition to avast):
And I think it’s better to state this here. When avast 7 is in beta phase I have installed it on my PC and got this problem after installation. See ~ http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=93092.0. I hope it might give any clue.
Try returning the Windows Firewall settings to defaults.
Same troubel here. Upgraded my speed recently from 25 to 50Mb.
Without Avast 7 50Mb, with Avast activated about 30Mb.
Was same with Avast 6.