[SOLVED]Issue with VMWare Player since Update to 11.1.2253


Im’ running VMWare Player on a Windows 10 x64 System.
Yesterday (03.02.2016) I updated to Avast Version 11.1.2253.
Since the update it is not possible to run any virtual machine. Before the Update everything was fine.
I turned off Avast, same issue. If I uninstall Avast, everything is work fine.
Error Message of vmware player:
| vcpu-0| I125: Msg_Post: Error
| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.log.error.unrecoverable] VMware Player unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)
| vcpu-0| I125+ vcpu-0:VMM DoubleFault src=MONITOR @ rip=0xfffffffffc48ac8d rsp=0xfffffffffc5fffc0 regs=0xfffffffffc03cf40 (0x0,0x0)

Can anybody help?

I uninstalled Avast, then VMWare Player worked again.
After installing Avast again, the same error occured >:(

Try installing avast! without “Secure Virtual Machine” (use Custom install).

“Secure virtual machines” isn’t installed. But i deactivated “Activate Hardwarebased virutalisation”. Now it works…

Thanks a lot!!!
