[SOLVED] Mac Launch error

Avast icon shows in the top task bar, however when I try to open it just flashes and does not open. I have screen grabbed the split second error which reads

*** (NSCFDictionary initwithobjects:forkeys:count attempt to insert nil value at objects(0) (key: NSFont)

error code 7002
error ident uncaught-exception

Any ideas?

Hi Rob,

I have found similar post here: https://superuser.com/questions/253684/security-system-preference-wont-open-on-macos-10-6-snow-leopard. It is not related to Avast Antivirus, but the symptoms seems to be the same.

Try to run Font Book application and look for duplicate fonts. The app is using font “Helvetica Neue” as this is the system font as far as I know.

Hope it helps.

Best regards,



Looks like it was a font dupe issue, cleared up and re-boot seems to be working now.