SOLVED-no icon animation when scanning also 2016.11.2.2262

Hi all
i’m new here
i noticed i have no icon animation when scanning for virus -it stay orange
But when i browse the web there is animation color change between blue and orange.
on definition there is V mark on "animate the icon on scanning "
1-what form and color should appear on virus scan ?
2-why no icon animation when i scanning for viruses ?
i use XPSP3

what do you mean by “when scanning for virus”? Some on demand scan, scan from context menu?


Hi milos
Both -on demand scan, and scan from context menu-i have no icon animation …

Icon animation is now off by default - enable the avastUI > Settings > General > ‘Animate the icon when scanning.’

it’s ON
i wrote it already in my question:
on definition there is V mark on "animate the icon on scanning "
any other idea?
what form and color should appear on virus scan ?

It is the normal avast tray icon, and to give the rotation effect it has a flip effect from Orange to Blue and back to Orange.

thanks DavidR
when i browse the web there is animation color change between blue and orange.
on demand or scheduled scan,or scan from context menu-i have no icon animation it’s stay orange without rotation…
(is it normal avast behavior? )

No that isn’t normal behaviour all scanning on my system rotates the tray icon and I too am using XP SP3.

Are you using the latest avast version 2016 11.2.2261 ?

If you are try an avast repair, Control Panel > Add Remove Programs > Avast antivirus > Change/Remove - From the next screen select Repair, Reboot after the repair.

thanks DavidR
i’ve latest avast version 2016 11.2.2261 .
i tried avast repair- it did not help and …
i uninstalled avast and reinstall-it did not help either …
How it is possible that browsing the web (realtime protection) there is icon animation BUT no animation on all types of virus scanning ??
(i have the free avast edition and i installed 3 components only - file shield, web shield and home network security -if this information is helpful )
Any other idea?

I have the icon rotating for all scanning web, on-access (real-time), on-demand scans. As I said what you are getting isn’t normal.

What other security based software do you have installed (AV, anti-malware, firewall, etc.) ?

Has the tray icon every worked for all scans ?
If so, what if anything changed around that time.

Try unchecking the option to rotate the icon, OK your way out, reboot and then enable it again.

thanks DavidR,
i have windows xp firewall, MBAM (free-work on demand scan only, not real time). i had MSE before AVAST -i uninstalled it properly before i installed Avast.
The tray icon never worked as it should for all scans before- the problem started since i installed avast for the first time 3 days ago.
unchecking the option to rotate the icon, OK on way out, reboot and then enable it again- did not help, but browsing the web was without icon animation until i rebooted again after rechecked option to rotate the icon.
i’m frustrated :frowning:
any other idea?

  1. The windows XP firewall shouldn’t get in the way as it only has basic firewall functions inbound protection only. Unlike some other firewalls that has additional security based functions.

  2. It may be worth using the MSE uninstall instructions to ensure there are no remnants - See avast FAQ article,

This leads to and gives more information.

  1. I haven’t come across this intermittent issue with the tray icon rotating for only certain functions.

I would like to jump in here as well ;D I tried ticking to animate the icon when its scanning in the background… But the icon doesn’t become animated what so ever… I was thinking avast might have forgot to add the animated icon to the update or something… :o

Clearly that haven’t forgotten to add this as I have it and it is working on my systems and I had to check the box when I updated to the latest avast version.

Another mystery.

Indeed it is.

thanks DavidR,
i followed your steps -no mse remnants found ( also checked the registry as well…).
this intermittent issue with the tray icon rotating for only certain functions wonders me as well…
aren’t stuff from avast co. communicate in the forum?
any other idea? :-\

Works for me on XP.

Follow instructions:

thanks Asyn
i opened ticket #295195 and send the tool results as explained.
upon using the tool got this compatibility error

i guess some old av’s Remanent?
can i do something meanwhile?

Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)