[Solved] Offline VPS updater: available or not?


I got a question from a Japanese user asking for offline VPS updater for Avast Mac Security.
I found this topic saying it’s not available, but this is 2 years old topic… is it available now or still unavailable?


There is no easy way how you can update the VPS offline for Avast Security for Mac. We never expected that such a feature might be used in the consumer workspace. And for Free AV.

OK, Thanks lukas for the answer and clarification.

I know it used to be possible, back when Mac product was based on engine 4.x but in that time update issues were fairly common. New product is far more reliable, and have not seen a use case for manual updating.

NON, is the user you are helping having some specific reason they need to update offline?

No, the user just asked how to update VPS when offline and where to find offline updater for Avast Mac Security.
And he/she did not respond after my reply.