[SOLVED] Possible weakness in "set anti-theft as Device Administrator" option!

I found that when I go to location&security settings> select device administrators, the anti-theft service is plain visible for anyone.
A possible thief can then see the name of the service and then easily disable it. Which in turn allows him to uninstall anti-theft if I’m correct?
Correct me if I’m wrong…

unfortunately we can not avoid this. however, you could lock your admin settings.

hm, I didn’t know it could be locked?
Hate to bother you, but could you tell me how to do it?
Thanx for your help! Very helpful forum :slight_smile:


I found what I was looking for :slight_smile:

App Lock - App Protector

That plus avast anti-theft… B-)

Mmh can’t that app just be uninstalled?

Reinhard, I’ve got a question about this! I’ve bought and I’m using the app since ta and I always wanted to know this, just didn’t take the time to ask :slight_smile:
I’d like to understand if installing the app in a root manner (and giving it permissions of course) just works without the need of setting ta as device administrator, or if this is still needed!


it is still needed, as the wipe only works reliably with device admin permission.

When you installed the Anti-Theft package, it should have asked you for a custom package name. That’s the name I see on my Device Administrators screen.