Solved: Quick scan revealed some files are decompression bombs

HI I am testing the lasted Beta of avast 2014. Tonight I did a quick scan and then a window came up saying that some files could not be scanned when I clicked on that button I saw that some of the files could not be scanned and in the next column it said ERROR: the file is a decompression Bomb (42110).

I should say that I have several files in the logs from the quick scan that say the exact same thing. What I would like to now is what does this mean I have never had this sort of thing happen before or even show up in the avast logs before or even when I do a quick scan.

Any help would be appreciated

I was also wondering is their someway for me to get the logs to avast free and put them on this thread.

Thanks very much

hey can you provide us with a picture of that file? error usually means that avast can’t open up the files to scan it.

but a picture would be nice.

Google or forum search often give the answer :wink: /

thanks for the update pondus :slight_smile:

hI Pondus I did do a google search on what is a decompression bomb but their wee different views on what a decompression bomb was some people said it was malicious in nature. While other people thought that having a file that avast had decompression bomb thought that it would be a large file with data in the folder and as a result avast just cannot read this file in anyway. So that is why I came here to the forum Pondus because I trust you and the people who run this forum to give me an honest answer to my questions Pondus.

Thanks a lot.

HI here are some screen shots of some of the files that the quick scan found to be Decompression Bombs.

I hope these screenshots are enough everyone.


As they are backup sets you have a lot of data in a small space… Hence decompression bomb, i.e. they expand quite a lot. They are of no concern

HI Essexboy thanks very much for your reply and response.

Thanks again it puts my mind at comfort.

Thanks Essexboy