**SOLVED** Safe site green tick missing from google search.


I am using firefox 93.0 (64 bit) & Avast 21.9.2493 (build 21.9.6675.698). I upgraded my online security extension yesterday to online security & privacy & since then I have lost the green tick icon on google search.

Is this a known issue or is it the norm now for avast.

I checked on microsoft edge & there is a clear shield with a tick inside next to my searches.



Try this:
Click the AOS icon in Firefox toolbar. A window will appear.
Click on Settings Gear icon at bottom.
Enable the “Scan my search results” option.

Note the “green ticks” are now feint green shields, which IMO are unclear and a retrograde step in the new version of AOS.

Thanks Rocksteady,

This has solved the issue, also my screen resolution meant I couldn’t see the settings button at the bottom of the screen.

Agree that the icon colour is a retrograde step