I’m usually the guy to pick a 4th worse way if there are 3 possibilities for doing so…
I read the road map and stumbled over step seven:
«7. Clean your computer up (clean up cache, temporary Internet files, etc.).»
What, please, are (and in this order) ›cache‹ and ›temporary Internet files‹, since I always take the last ones as ‘the’ ›IE-cache‹?
And, what is (are) ‹etc.›? TEMP? Recycle Bin?
Further more, what about caches of other browsers?
I know enough »specialists« who understand ‹to clean-up› as to use tools like CCleaner to ›clean up‹ WIN, the drive(s), and the registry, too…
I, and many of us here recommend CCleaner, which does clean up the various browsers you mention. If someone has specific needs, we walk them through how to use this. Does this answer your question?
Many intermediate/advanced users will know how to clean various files without a 3rd party application. Those are often not the users that are being helped on the forum, and besides, even advanced users are often users of Ccleaner, it’s a good tool.
Thank you for the additional clarification Pondus.
@ Eric March,
If you feel that your issue is now resolved/fixed, please go back to the open post in this topic, click the modify button in that Post and change the title/subject, add [Resolved] to the beginning of the title so this thread can be closed. Thank you.
My issue is not solved in any kind (sorry for this delay, but you know those nice people called dentists…)
For the links by Pondus, so T.I.F. an IE-Cache really are the same… But no hint about that «etc.»
How shall it help an unexperienced user? They just may be confused and let be back helpless.
Let me say, the road map is too detailed when just be offered to experienced users, but if for all users, some more details (explanations) may be helpful. (A proverb in mind, let me transfer it’s content like, “we grow by our challenges”.)
PS. I chose ›road map‹ instead of ›orders‹ or ›rules‹, because it shows a way (pun) to follow.
Off topic
Regarding «tools like» - quote - CCleaner… Take TuneUp Utilities as an other example of that, I so often had to learn (in other forums) that ›normal‹ users really killed their WIN using this tools. Cleaning up the registry normally is the final step of the whole action.
Experienced user, to not only alone my opinion, really know, that none of those tools can do anything which can not be done using tools coming aboard WIN (and, yes, I call you such experienced users). Did you ever had to haunt for file duplicates? Never I had within more than 20 years. Emptying Recycle Bin - 4 clicks away. IE-Cache? TEMP? To be handled manually as the real recycle bin in the kitchen. No tool can do anything to you totally by automatism without you losing control; I decide when I throw away stuff I do not need. So - I do not need such tools, an I learned myself how useless some of them really are.
So Eric, how can we help you? Various Avast Evangelists offer variations of the “road map” that I give…most with less detail and some with the same detail but slightly different wording. Depending on the experience of the user, I also make variations when making the post. In addition, variations are made if the user is non-English speaking and needs more detail. We always follow up with the users, however they do not always follow up with us, but we make all attempts to make sure their issues are resolved. Our experience has been that all types of users have had no difficulties following the directions.
Getting back to your original issue in your post, please give me your solution to the problem. Please post it as you think this would resolve the issue. Thank you.
Eric, the steps SafeSurf recommends are there to guide the average user to help solve his problems. Tools recommended for use are safe to use in their default configuration unless stated otherwise. With so many tech savvy nitpickers around someone would spot a mistake and it would get corrected
Tell you what, as something fun for you to do and also as a chance to learn more about terms used in computing, try writing a detailed how-to based on SafeSurf’s steps.
Do you, SafeSurf, want to give a hint for experienced users or an advice to unexperienced users?
To my opinion the ›road map‹ (some politicians used the term describing a plan) is too detailed to the first group and not detailed enough to the last one. I’ve never been good in writing, so I better do not try to refine the text. The result surely will become not recommendable.
The background for my request was mentioned above. You may remember what has happened in Chenrobyl. Do you remember why it happened? Incomplete information. That’s the reason I am critical about ›orders‹ which could be interpreted wrongly; wrongly without any intention to do it a non planned way.
It’s simple… advanced users may or may not follow the steps because they know what they are doing. New users will read and post questions if they do not understand some of the steps.
I really do not see the point to this whole post. If you do not understand something ask and we will try our best to help, if you know more than we do, please feel free to contribute to this community’s knowledge base. In any case, stop being a troll, really, unless you have a real problem, I urge the others to stop replying to this topic.
It's simple... advanced users may or may not follow the steps because they know what they are doing. New users will read and post questions if they do not understand some of the steps.
That is the point which is misunderstood…
• Why (at all) a list of advices, when you now call it as not useful / necessary to experienced users?
• Inexperienced users simply do not know that there [i]are[/i] questions to be asked.
I really do not see the point to this whole post. [i]If you do not understand something ask[/i] and we will try our best to help, if you know more than we do, please feel free to contribute to this community's knowledge base.
Well - there is no answer of SafeSurf what exactly that ›etc.‹ is (since the other terms of the list there describes the same thing).
In any case, stop being a troll, really, unless you have a real problem, I urge the others to stop replying to this topic.
:'( I expected an Avast forum to help users, to pick up even little problems - but not to compare HIM to that user or (indirectly) insult this user.
It should be the forums problem how to help others in best way, it should be it’s problem to change misunderstandable terms to especially new, inexperienced users here. The forum should take care, but not teach…