[SOLVED] Script Shield + Repair Function

I have a few questions to ask regarding the script shield and the repair function in the Add/Remove Programs of Control Panel

  • The documentation said that it scans scripts locally and remotely, but it only scans locally for me (eg. opening a file on the computer). When
    I browse with IE 8 (my system is 32-bit), the scan count doesn’t go up in the Real-time Shields page. Is this normal?[/size]
  • When using repairing avast, do you need to turn off the self-defense module?
  • Does the Script Shield work like the NoScript add-on in Firefox?
  • Is Protected Mode better or Script Shield?

Thanks ;D

  1. No it doesn’t, noscript blocks scripts, the script shield scans scripts and alerts to malicious ones.

  2. Don’t know as I don’t have the pro version so I can’t test with IE (which generally I avoid).

  3. No you don’t.

I appreciate the help DavidR, thank you ;D

Can anyone help me with the other question?

You’re welcome.

I think I remember something like this in the forums in that depending on what OS you have IE8 acts differently in protected mode or some such and that may well interfere with the script shield.

The IE Protected Mode was the problem. I tried turning it off and the Script Shield worked.
I use Firefox most of the time but for the times I use IE, do you know if it’s better to have Protected Mode turned on, or just use the Script Shield?

It depends on the operating system as I have avast! Free on Windows 7 as Script Shield does not work on Windows 7 from what I understand and I have Protected Mode on all the time in IE there. :slight_smile:

Thought that might have put a spanner in the works. I don’t know enough about IE protected mode (or your OS as you don’t give much info in your signature) to say if it is better than the script shield not being able to work.

The other thing is that the web shield still provides protection so the additional from the script shield in IE not be huge and given that the off-line script shield functionality would still work when IE8 is in protected mode.

Thanks for the input everyone. :slight_smile:

I looked up protected mode and it seems to restrict access permissions of programs, kind of similar to UAC. It relies on Integrity Levels. I prefer the Script Shield, as it’s less annoying and obtrusive. And it doesn’t matter anyway, as I always use avast to sandbox my browser.

If anyone wants to know more:
Understanding and Working in Protected Mode Internet Explorer
What does Internet Explorer protected mode do?
What is “Protected Mode” in Internet Explorer 7 and Should You Use It?

No problem, glad I could help.