Issue solved with Beta 7.0.1412
Hi guys, let me say, I had been using avast for a long time now and like it a lot, now with V7 I am facing a problem
I am connected to net via a Modem, but I need to establish a connection by using windows inbuilt PPPOE dialer(broadband). Now when the LAN is connected but no connection has been established there is a huge delay in launching apps, any apps from anywhere, once launched, it runs fine.
The delay is sort of universal, same 5/6 secs delay with all apps, now I also have Comodo Firewall, I am aware of the issue between avast web shield and comodo, so I have set avast web shield to scan only browser traffic, but this has not fixed it.
When I disable all avast shields the problem disappears, so this has let me to pinpoint the problem to avast ???
Problem also disappears if I disconnect the LAN cable as there is no connection and avast(I presume) does not try to query anything(whatever it is trying to query) :
If the net is connected there is also a delay, slight delay but nevertheless noticeable, the fastest with LAN cable disconnected, or with avast shields disabled.
I have disabled avast web rep service and auto sandbox.
Help me fix this, the problem is with avast, this much I am sure, is this a known bug or something?
Win 7 x64, Sp1(updated)
Comodo firewall
Avast 7
Also I have a fast machine, so performance is not an issue, so don’t blame this on hardware. My net connection is around 1Mbps, but I have significant delay to foreign countries(400 ms+).